15 October 2005

Accuracy of this project:

This project aims to achieve the highest level of accuracy for a recipient to recieve the "Confirmed=YES" status.  This is a status on the list which has been irrefutably confirmed by the following sources (in order of priority)
  • Cited EK1 Urkunde (or images) sent to and confirmed by the Website author
  • Cited Wehrpass/Soldbuch (or images) sent to and confirmed by the Website author that show unit rosters and dates, awards (with EK1) and dates

A recipient will receive a status of "Confirmed=PARTIAL" if the criteria above is satisfied but the original
document does not contain all the information that the list requireds, eg. many Urkunde (certificates) for the EK1 do not have the unit the recipient was serving at the time the EK1 was awarded.

A recipient will receive a status of "Confirmed=ENDORSED" if the recipient was cited on a website list or other secondary source such as a non-fiction book or a photo with the EK1

As there is yet to be a single book or publication, or list of ek1 recipients that I have come across accurately showing names corresponding with exact dates of ek1 receipts and the units that the recipient was attached to at the time of the award this project will have to be structured in such as way as to be able to help researchers find this information.  

Obviously, in order to make this list useful for the general public, concessions have to be made with regards to content.  Most names on this list so far will be drawn straight from the ranks from the better documented higher grade award recipients.  The following grades of award have the EK1 as a prerequisite so it is correct to assume any person that has been awarded these awards, had been awarded the EK1 previously:
  • All Grades of Das Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuz
  • All Grades of the Deutsches Kreuz  

However, as these sources tend to only list the unit of the recipient once they have reached the highest award this is obviously insufficient for the list being compiled here.  Any information that is in this category will have the information corresponding to that award shown in brackets; eg. '(III./J.G.26)' or ''(LEUTNANT Z. SEE)' otherwise it will be completely omitted from the entry.   The reason for this is to at least have a placeholder for the person in order for researchers out there to be able to either use this as a starting point to tracking down the EK1 details or as a prompter/reminder to contribute their confirmed information to this list themselves.

So if you're reading this please check the list of recipients by clicking on the cross in the Urkunde in the title page, if you have any information, however little that's not there, please write, I will credit any information to you.

Thank you

Jeffrey Ooi,
site administrator